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Overcoming Average Podcast

Nov 22, 2021

Ed McCutcheon

Sep 28, 2021

On this episode of Overcoming Average Podcast, we welcome Dan Ryan. Dan is running for a seat for Davidson town commissioner. Give it a listen and get out there to vote.

Apr 10, 2021

Jordan Peterson has a great outlook on conversations. Meaningful conversations with others are how we begin to think about the world.
Rule 11 - "Do Not Bother Children When They Are Skateboarding"
Rule 12 - "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street"

Two amazing ways to begin talking out your worldview and...

Feb 27, 2021

Kimberly Keith and Melissa Stewart join the conversation to help navigate the discussion of how Melissa overcame breast cancer. Please share and comment. We would love to hear from you.

Dec 28, 2020

Tatiana Pisarski joins the conversation in this episode of Overcoming Average. Tatiana discusses coming to America from Moldova as a young woman, choosing a career path, and choosing her passions. She actively helps the Russian, Romanian population better understand retirement and financial management. Based...